Wednesday 15 November 2017

No Hay Tarjeta De Crédito Forex

3 Tarjetas de Crédito sin Honorarios de Cambio de Divisas La mayoría de las personas no se dan cuenta, pero casi todas las tarjetas de crédito cobran cargos de cambio. Cada vez que cobramos algo en una moneda extranjera, terminamos pagando un adicional de 2,53 por encima del spread. Si viajamos a menudo o si hacemos compras regulares en línea desde fuera de Canadá, estos honorarios pueden sumar una pequeña fortuna con el tiempo. No sé sobre ti, pero prefiero gastar ese dinero en mí mismo. Afortunadamente en Canadá, hay tres tarjetas de crédito que no tienen cargos de cambio. Cada tarjeta tiene sus ventajas y desventajas así que aquí están las características para ayudarle a decidir qué tarjeta recoger. Tarjeta Visa Visa de Rewards de Amazon. ca Sin cargos de cambio de divisas 20 Certificado de regalo de Amazon. ca instantáneamente con la aprobación de tarjeta de crédito 2 reembolsos en efectivo por 1 gastado en Amazon. ca 1 reembolso por 1 gastado en cualquier otro sitio Sin cuota anual La tarjeta Visa de Rewards de Amazon. ca Chase es la única tarjeta de crédito libre de divisas sin una cuota anual y, por esta sola razón, es mi recomendación personal. Simplemente solicite la tarjeta y manténgala a mano siempre que realice compras en una moneda extranjera. No hay necesidad de preocuparse por las tasas adicionales. Las 2 devoluciones de dinero en las compras de Amazon. ca pueden parecer atractivas, pero hay otras tarjetas de crédito por ahí que ofrecen un mejor retorno y le dan dinero en efectivo real. Marriott Rewards Premier Visa Sin cargos de cambio 30,000 puntos de bonificación después de su primera compra 1 estancia gratis por la noche e-certificado válido por 12 meses en cualquier categoría participante 1-4 Ubicación de Marriott en todo el mundo después de la aprobación Categoría de participante 1-5 Ubicación de Marriott en todo el mundo 120 cuota anual de primer año gratis El Marriott Rewards Premier Visa claramente tiene la mayoría de los beneficios de las tres tarjetas de crédito de cambio de moneda extranjera, pero sólo es adecuado para ciertas personas. Si viajas mucho y prefieres hoteles Marriott, es una gran tarjeta incluso con las limitaciones de la noche gratis e-certificados de estancia. Esta tarjeta también es un candidato de batido ya que obtendrá una noche gratis inmediata y los 30.000 puntos se pueden utilizar para cuatro noches gratis en un hotel de categoría 1. Eso es potencialmente un total de cinco noches gratis sólo para inscribirse. El 120 cuota anual es un poco de un desvío, pero la estancia de aniversario gratis esencialmente lava esa tarifa, siempre y cuando reservar una habitación en el tiempo asignado. Rogers Platinum MasterCard 4 reembolso en efectivo en todas las compras realizadas en moneda extranjera 2.5 tasa de cambio de divisas 10,000 puntos de bienvenida de Rogers Platinum Rewards (valor de 35) 1,75 de reembolso en efectivo en todas sus compras que se pueden aplicar a compras realizadas en tiendas Rogers o hacia su Rogers Factura 29 cuota anual el primer año libre No, tus ojos no te engañan. Menos de un año después de que Rogers anunciara la Rogers First Rewards MasterCard, ahora la reemplazó con la Rogers Platinum MasterCard. Esto es un golpe para los consumidores, ya que la tarjeta antigua era una tarjeta de recompensas de minorista respetable si usabas muchos servicios de Rogers. Los actuales titulares de la tarjeta MasterCard Rogers First Rewards se transferirán automáticamente a la nueva tarjeta. Si usted es un cliente de Rogers, la devolución de efectivo de 1,75 es bastante buena, ya que puede aplicarse directamente a su factura mensual. Tenga en cuenta que se cancelará la cuota anual después del primer año si tiene pagos preautorizados establecidos para cualquier factura mensual de Rogers. Actualización: A partir del 17 de agosto de 2016, obtendrá 4 recompensas en efectivo en todas las compras en una moneda extranjera (de sitios web internacionales a cualquier lugar en el que viaje al extranjero), pero ahora habrá una comisión de cambio. Con la excepción de Marriott Rewards Premier Visa, no consideraría ninguna de las tarjetas ideales para el gasto diario allí son apenas tarjetas mejores hacia fuera allí. En su lugar, trate su tarjeta de crédito de cambio de moneda extranjera como una tarjeta complementaria que sólo se utilizará al realizar compras en una moneda extranjera. Si está buscando una tarjeta que se adapte a sus necesidades cotidianas, echa un vistazo a la herramienta de comparación de tarjetas de crédito ahora para averiguar qué tarjeta es mejor para usted. Todavía buscando la tarjeta correcta Llene su perfil de gastos y vea qué tarjeta aparece en la parte superiorPor qué no hay tasas de transacción en el extranjero ha proliferado en el mercado de tarjetas de crédito de Canadá Hace unos años, puede recordar que pedimos a todos los principales emisores de tarjetas de crédito y cargo en Canadá si seguirían la tendencia observada en los Estados Unidos con las tarjetas que no ofrecen ninguna tarifa de la transacción de la moneda extranjera. En el momento ninguno de los principales emisores dijeron que lo harían, pero desde entonces hemos visto un pequeño jugador entrar en el mercado sin cargos de divisas, Chase. Recientemente ha habido mucha charla de gente preguntando por qué no ha proliferado en Canadá. He tenido algunos de nuestros lectores correo electrónico me, visto algunos bloggers y los participantes del foro preguntar por qué no vemos más emisores no ofrecen ninguna tasa forex. A menudo me hacía esa pregunta y recibí la respuesta de un colega de lealtad de Aimia cuando hablé sobre el mercado de cobrand en Canadá en una conferencia de la industria en noviembre pasado. Él tenía la misma pregunta, así y fue capaz de obtener la información de uno de los principales emisores de por qué no está siendo considerado y con la reciente oleada de correos electrónicos y hablar en la web haciendo la misma pregunta que pensé que iba a compartir que Información con usted. Interesante observar cuando traje esto para arriba en una reunión reciente que tenía con un emisor importante ellos asintieron simple la cabeza de acuerdo con lo siguiente: Tiene que hacer con el rédito La razón primaria por la que no hemos visto los emisores importantes de la tarjeta en Canadá abajo el Ningún camino de la tarifa de la divisa es simple, viene abajo a la renta. La comisión cambiaria genera una gran cantidad de ingresos para los emisores de tarjetas canadienses y cuando se compara con el mercado en los EE. UU., compone una porción mucho mayor del pastel. ¿Cómo puede ser que usted puede pedir, ya que sólo tenemos una décima parte de la población de los EE. UU. Para empezar, los canadienses per capita en un viaje internacional más que los estadounidenses (esto incluye nuestros millones de viajes a los EE. UU.). Mientras que los estadounidenses tienden a hacer más viajes domésticos que los canadienses. Eso no significa que no, pero en términos de porcentaje de los titulares de tarjetas de crédito cuando se comparan los EE. UU. a Canadá, más canadienses viajan al extranjero. En segundo lugar y esto es también una razón importante, it8217s de compras. Los canadienses hacen millones de viajes de compras transfronterizos a los Estados Unidos y no se oye hablar de muchos estadounidenses que vienen a Canadá a comprar. Luego hay compras en línea, la mayoría de los minoristas en línea están en los EE. UU. o vender sus artículos en dólares. Por supuesto para los estadounidenses que lo hace fácil pero para nosotros significa una transacción extranjera en nuestra tarjeta de crédito. La cantidad de ingresos que los emisores canadienses de tarjetas de crédito tendrían que renunciar es enorme ¿Cómo lo hace Chase entonces Si Chase no puede ofrecer ninguna comisión de transacción extranjera entonces cómo es que otros emisores pueden hacerlo La razón es que Chase es relativamente nuevo al mercado canadiense y tiene un Una cartera muy pequeña de titulares de tarjetas en comparación con todos los demás emisores canadienses. Necesitaban una táctica de marketing que ayudaría a crecer esa cartera y Chase eligió la ruta de la tarifa de transacción no extranjera. ¿Alguna vez se preguntó por qué las tarjetas Chase don8217t tienen un seguro muy fuerte y el paquete de beneficios Que era el comercio, Chase tuvo que decidir qué ofrecer y en lugar de seguir el juego con la mayoría de los otros emisores de tarjetas que ofrecen grandes beneficios fueron la ruta de transacción no extranjeros. Es un beneficio altamente promocionado de Chase8217s Premier Marriott Rewards Visa, Amazon Rewards Visa y Sears Voyage MasterCard. You8217ll verlo en la mayoría si no todos sus materiales de marketing para esas tarjetas. Si Chase se convierte en un jugador importante en el mercado canadiense, no se sorprenda si impone una tarifa de transacción extranjera en la (s) tarjeta (s) con la mayor cantidad de tarjetahabientes. Las tarjetas actuales de Chase que no ofrecen ningún cargo de transacción en el extranjero: Toma de pantalla de la página de solicitud de Marriott de Chase Los titulares canadienses de CC también no son expertos, persiguiendo a los grandes incentivos y cambiando de compañía. Los estudios de AMEX muestran que la mayoría de ellos simplemente usan CC de sus propios bancos, sin mucha investigación. Así que, ¿por qué los grandes 4 bancos cambiaran algo? Ya no poseo la tarjeta Chase Marriott, y no pierdo mucho en FX. 2.5 es 2.5 de 100, 25 de 1.000. Aún menos si uno tiene USD para pagar TD USD CC no FX en absoluto De todos modos, si sucede, espero que AMEX lo haga, al menos en algunas tarjetas como AMEX Platinum Su cuota anual es lo suficientemente alta como para limitar a los titulares de tarjetas, por lo que la pérdida debería ser menor aún cuando los titulares de la tarjeta Plat puedan ser consumidores altos) En general, estoy feliz con la forma en que el mercado CC canadiense se ha transformado. La competencia ha traído a CRAZY bonos de bienvenida (no loco en relación a EE. UU.), como thounds de Aeroplan, 300 de créditos, gran AMEX MR bienvenida, etc Muy cierto Jerry, la mayoría de los canadienses son complacientes con la tarjeta de crédito que reciben de su banco no Dándose cuenta de que no hay tarjeta por ahí mejor adaptado a sus hábitos de gasto y la recompensa quiere. Creo que puede estar cambiando lentamente parte en el paquete a causa de los bancos de publicidad han estado haciendo en los últimos 8 meses para obtener clientes que estaban confundidos o frustrados con toda la TD-CIBC-Aeroplan debacle. Estoy de acuerdo también en que fuera de los bonos de inscripción enormes que se ven en los EE. UU. el mercado canadiense de tarjetas es saludable y gratificante. Gran artículo, gracias También hay una tarjeta de crédito híbrida canadiense que renuncia a la tasa de forex: Home Trust Equityline VISA. No hay recompensas y sólo viene con la protección de la compra y los beneficios de alquiler de coches. Más al punto, usted tiene que poner para arriba su casa como equidad a snag su honorario del forex 0. Dos palabras que Robb Eng y Rob Carrick dijeron después de haber mencionado el VISA de Equityline hace un par de años: mala idea. Muchas de las ofertas de tarjetas de crédito que aparecen en este sitio son de empresas de las cuales NerdWallet recibe compensación. Los resultados de nuestra herramienta de comparación y búsqueda de tarjetas, evaluaciones de tarjetas y revisiones se basan en análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos objetivos de los atributos de las tarjetas. No se ven afectados por la compensación. La compensación puede afectar las tarjetas que revisamos y escribimos, y cómo y dónde aparecen los productos en este sitio (incluyendo, por ejemplo, el orden en que aparecen). Si bien tratamos de ofrecer tantas ofertas de tarjetas de crédito en nuestro sitio como podemos mantener (1.700 y contar), reconocemos que nuestro sitio no incluye todas las tarjetas o tarjetas disponibles en el mercado. Además, nuestras calificaciones de estrellas son una mezcla de comentarios de los usuarios y evaluación independiente de NerdWallets que son independientes de la compensación. Para obtener una lista de todos nuestros socios de publicidad, haga clic aquí NerdWallets Mejor ninguna tarjeta de crédito de transacción extranjera de crédito de 2016 Asegúrese de que usted no está llevando a cabo ningún cargo adicional. Aligerar su carga con estas opciones bien viajado. Usted puede confiar en que mantenemos la integridad editorial estricta en nuestra escritura y evaluaciones sin embargo, recibimos compensación cuando usted chasca encendido acoplamientos a los productos de nuestros socios y consiga aprobado. Heres cómo hacemos el dinero. No hay cuota anual Tarifa anual de bonificación de 20.000 puntos de bonificación en línea si usted hace por lo menos 1.000 en compras en los primeros 90 días - que puede ser un crédito de 200 declaraciones hacia compras de viajes Ganar ilimitado 1,5 puntos por cada 1 gastado en todas las compras, Y no hay honorarios de transacción en el extranjero y sus puntos no expiran 20.000 puntos de bonificación en línea si usted hace por lo menos 1.000 en compras en los primeros 90 días - que puede ser un crédito de 200 declaraciones hacia las compras de viajes Utilice su tarjeta para reservar su viaje cómo y dónde quiere Usted no se limita a sitios web específicos con fechas de restricción o restricciones Canjear puntos por una declaración de crédito para pagar por vuelos, hoteles, paquetes de vacaciones, cruceros, alquiler de coches, o honorarios de equipaje Viene con tecnología de chip para mayor seguridad y protección en terminales habilitados con chip 0 APR de introducción para 12 ciclos de facturación para compras, luego 15.24 - 23.24 APR variable Obtenga un bono adicional de 10 puntos de cliente en cada compra cuando tenga una cuenta de cheques o ahorros activa de Bank of Americareg. Si es un cliente Preferred Rewards, puede aumentar ese bono a 25 - 75. 200 El valor de la bonificación de 200 se basa en el supuesto de que canjea sus puntos de bonificación por un crédito de viaje a una tasa de 1 punto equivalente a .01. Otros tipos de recompensas tienen diferentes valores de rescate. Beneficios Esta tarjeta le da muchas de las ventajas de una tarjeta de viaje sin el precio: Tiene una cuota anual de 0. También pasa a tener una de las más amplias definiciones de viajes en la industria. Obtendrá 1,5 puntos por cada 1 gastado en cualquier cosa. Usted puede canjear crédito de viaje a 1 centavo por punto para cubrir los gastos de viaje no sólo vuelos, hoteles y otros gastos de rutina, sino también el costo de visitar un parque de diversiones, un acuario o un adivino. La oferta de inscripción agrega 20.000 puntos de bonificación en línea si realiza al menos 1.000 en compras en los primeros 90 días, lo que puede ser un crédito de 200 estados para compras de viajes. Los clientes de Bank of America con una cuenta activa de cheques o ahorros pueden ganar 10 puntos más y si mantienen altos saldos en cuentas afiliadas, pueden ganar de 25 a 75 más a través del programa Preferred Rewards. Inconvenientes Si no tiene una cuenta de Bank of America, es posible que pueda obtener una mayor tasa de premios con otras ofertas. Fondo Para los viajeros con un presupuesto especialmente aquellos que son clientes de Bank of America esta tarjeta de crédito ofrece un excelente valor. Para aquellos con grandes saldos en cuentas de ahorro y de inversión afiliados, es aún mejor. Cuota anual 0 para el primer año, luego 95 Oferta de bonificación Gane 50.000 puntos adicionales después de gastar 4.000 en compras durante los primeros 3 meses desde la apertura de la cuenta. Eso es 625 hacia los viajes cuando canjeas a través de los Premios Ultimate de Chase Gana 50,000 puntos de bonificación después de gastar 4,000 en compras en los primeros 3 meses desde la apertura de la cuenta. Eso es 625 hacia el viaje cuando canjea a través de Chase Ultimate Rewardsreg nombrado mejor tarjeta de crédito para la redención flexible de viajes - Kiplingers Finanzas Personales, julio 2016 2X puntos en viajes y restaurantes en restaurantes en todo el mundo 1 punto por dólar gastado en todas las otras compras. Gane 5,000 puntos de bonificación después de agregar el primer usuario autorizado y realice una compra en los primeros 3 meses desde la apertura de la cuenta No hay costos de transacción en el extranjero 1: 1 transferencia de punto a los principales programas de lealtad de aerolíneas y hoteles Obtenga 25 más valor al canjear por pasajes aéreos, hoteles , Alquiler de coches y cruceros a través de Chase Ultimate Rewards. Por ejemplo, 50.000 puntos valen 625 hacia el viaje No hay fechas de restricción o restricciones de viaje - siempre y cuando theres un asiento en el vuelo, se puede reservar a través de Chase Ultimate Rewards Averigüe si usted pre-califica para una tarjeta de crédito Chase 500 Gane 50.000 Puntos de bonificación después de gastar 4.000 en compras en los primeros 3 meses de la apertura de la cuenta. Eso es 625 hacia el viaje cuando canjeas a través de los beneficios de la recompensa de Chase Ultimate Lo que realmente diferencia esta tarjeta es su enorme bono de inscripción y las opciones de transferencia de recompensas. El bono: gane 50.000 puntos de bonificación después de gastar 4.000 en compras en los primeros 3 meses desde la apertura de la cuenta. Eso es 625 hacia viajes cuando canjeas a través de Recompensas de Chase Ultimate Cuando usas la tarjeta, obtienes 2 puntos por cada 1 gastado en viajes y restaurantes y 1 punto por 1 en cualquier otro lugar. Los puntos suelen valer 1 centavo, pero valen 25 más cuando se utilizan para reservar viajes a través de Chase Ultimate Rewards. También se pueden transferir a una tasa de 1: 1 a varios programas de lealtad, incluyendo Southwest Airlines, United Airlines y hoteles Hyatt. Por último, debemos mencionar que los fans de esta tarjeta de amor de la impresión de alta calidad que hace cuando se tire de su hecho de metal, no de plástico. Desventajas Bonificación de registro a un lado, tendrá que gastar al menos 4.750 al año para salir adelante en este acuerdo. Un pedazo grande de este valor de las tarjetas se reclina en su bono de la señal-para arriba que otras tarjetas del recorrido tienen mejores recompensas a largo plazo. También, esta tarjeta no ofrece las ventajas graban las bolsas comprobadas, el embarque prioritario de las tarjetas específicas de la línea aérea. Línea de fondo El Chase Sapphire Preferredreg Card es el mejor en la clase para los viajeros que buscan un bono de inscripción de gran tamaño y las oportunidades para transferir esos puntos a los programas de fidelización líderes. Oferta de bonificación Disfrute de un bono de una sola vez de 40.000 millas una vez que gasta 3.000 en compras dentro de los 3 meses de la aprobación, igual a 400 en viajes Disfrute de un bono de una sola vez de 40.000 millas una vez que Gasta 3.000 en compras dentro de los 3 meses de la aprobación, igual a 400 en viajes Gane ilimitado 2 millas por dólar en cada compra, todos los días Vuela cualquier línea aérea, permanece en cualquier hotel, en cualquier momento Viaje cuando quieras sin fechas de apagón Miles no expiran y theres Sin límite a cuántos puede ganar Sin comisiones de transacción en el extranjero 0 tasa anual de introducción para el primer año 59 después de eso 400 Disfrute de un bono de una sola vez de 40,000 millas una vez que gasta 3,000 en compras dentro de los 3 meses de aprobación, Beneficios Esta tarjeta ha sido durante mucho tiempo el campeón de las recompensas de viajes flexibles y ha establecido el estándar para una gran cantidad de cartas similares. Su cuota anual relativamente baja y sus altas recompensas a tanto alzado lo mantienen en la parte superior. Se gana 2 millas por 1 gastado en todas las compras, y las millas se pueden canjear por 1 centavo cada uno como un crédito contra la mayoría de los gastos de viaje, incluyendo estancias en hoteles y pasajes aéreos reservados a través de cualquier sitio de viajes, así como multipropiedades, tarifas de taxi y cruceros. También puede reservar un viaje directamente a través de Capital One. Comparado con otras tarjetas de viaje que ofrecen 2, éste ofrece la cuota anual más baja. También viene con un generoso bono de registro. Desventajas Gratificación de registro a un lado, youd tiene que pasar al menos 2,950 al año para salir adelante en este acuerdo. Capital Ones definición de viajar también doesnt incluyen parques de atracciones, atracciones turísticas y RV alquileres. Línea de fondo Para millas fáciles de ganar y redención, la tarjeta de crédito Capital One Venture Rewards es un ganador. El bono de registro hace que la oferta sea aún más dulce. Beneficios en efectivo Las mejores tarjetas en efectivo hacen que las recompensas sean fáciles de canjear, y esta tarjeta lo hace mejor que la mayoría: No hay reembolso mínimo por dinero en efectivo. Eso es música a los oídos frugales de los viajeros. Esta tarjeta también viene con un excelente período de 0 APR y un bono de inscripción de vuelta en efectivo justo: una vez 100 bonos en efectivo después de gastar 500 en compras dentro de los 3 meses de la aprobación. Usted puede obtener sus recompensas en efectivo como un cheque o crédito de la declaración. Entre las tarjetas de devolución en efectivo sin gastos de transacción en el extranjero, ofrece las mejores recompensas y beneficios y es ampliamente aceptada en el extranjero. Desventajas A diferencia de algunas tarjetas de recompensas de viajes, donde se puede estirar el valor mediante el canje de puntos o millas de forma selectiva, esta tarjeta no ofrece las mismas posibilidades. No se puede obtener más de 1,5 centavos de dólar por dólar gastado. Conclusión Si usted es un gastador frugal, la tarjeta de crédito Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards es una forma sencilla de ganar más en cada dólar gastado, en casa y en el extranjero. Beneficios con chip y PIN Con la tarjeta MasterCard Elite Master de Arrival + World Plus de Barclaycard, podrá pagar por tarjeta en cualquier lugar del extranjero incluso en parquímetros, carreteras de peaje y quioscos de metro que podrían no tomar chip y - tarjetas de firma. Entre las tarjetas en Estados Unidos con capacidad de chip y PIN, también cuenta con el bono de inscripción más grande: gane 50.000 millas de bonificación después de gastar 3.000 en compras en los primeros 90 días, eso es suficiente para canjear por un crédito de 500 créditos de viaje. Usted gana 2 millas por cada dólar gastado en todas las compras y obtiene un bono de 5 para su próxima redención cuando canjea. Las millas se pueden canjear como un crédito contra las compras de viaje, sólo tiene que reservar su viaje, pagar con la tarjeta y luego reclamar su crédito. Inconvenientes Suscripción de bonificación a un lado, youd tiene que poner más de 4,200 en la tarjeta cada año sólo para ganar millas suficientes para compensar la tasa anual relativamente alto. Tampoco puede canjear menos de 10.000 millas para el crédito de la declaración de viaje, una tasa de redención mínima mucho más alta que otras tarjetas de crédito. La declaración de viaje tampoco se puede canjear por alquileres de RV o en parques de atracciones. Línea de fondo La tarjeta de llegada Barclaycard MasterCard Elite World le da la libertad de viajar fuera de los caminos trillados. Se acepta casi en todas partes, incluso en las máquinas y quioscos que no toman la mayoría de las tarjetas de crédito de los EE. UU. Principales emisores de tarjetas de crédito8217 comisiones de transacciones en el extranjero Aquí se examinan las comisiones de transacciones extranjeras estándar cobradas por los principales emisores de tarjetas de crédito estadounidenses. Es importante señalar que muchos emisores renuncian a la comisión de transacción extranjera en ciertas tarjetas, incluso las mencionadas anteriormente. Algunos emisores importantes don8217t cobran honorarios de transacción extranjeros en cualquiera de sus tarjetas. Para recapitular nuestras selecciones: Nerdwallet8217s mejores tarjetas de crédito sin comisión de transacción extranjera de 2016 Tarjeta de crédito BankAmericard Travel Rewards: Lo mejor sin cuota anual Chase Sapphire Tarjeta Preferredreg: Mejor bono de registro Capital One Venture Rewards Tarjeta de crédito: Tarjeta de crédito Recompensas en efectivo: mejor para devolución de dinero Barclaycard Llegada Plus Elite MasterCard: Mejor para chip y PIN Nuestra metodología El equipo de tarjetas de crédito NerdWallets selecciona las tarjetas en cada categoría en función del valor general del consumidor. Los factores en nuestra evaluación incluyen honorarios, APR promocionales y en curso y bonos de registro para tarjetas de recompensas, consideramos las tasas de ganancias y reembolsos, las opciones de reembolso y la dificultad de reembolso. Una sola tarjeta es elegible para ganar en varias categorías. Claire Tsosie es escritora de personal en NerdWallet, un sitio web de finanzas personales. Correo electrónico: clairenerdwallet. Twitter: ideclaire7. Tenga en cuenta que Addison Avenue FCU se ha fusionado con FirstTech CU, y cuando se fusionan sus operaciones de tarjetas de crédito a finales de este verano, se dejan caer las transacciones extranjeras libres y adoptar FirstTech8217s 1 cuota. Tengo una tarjeta de la avenida de Addison que consiga convertido a FirstTech. Le envié un correo electrónico sobre mis tarifas de transacción en el extranjero y mencionaron claramente que todos los propietarios de la antigua avenida Addison Avenue seguirán recibiendo el programa de tarifas de transacción en el extranjero. He obtenido una tarjeta CapitalOne Venture específicamente debido a la 8220No Foreign Transaction fee8221. Recientemente viajé a Costa Rica que en muchos recibos convierte automáticamente el costo de Colones a dólares. Mi hotel me cobró 423.66 dólares de los EE. UU. (enviaron correos electrónicos de confirmación copias de la operación). Me acordé de pagar el hotel 423.66 dólares. CapitalOne me cobró 432.53 dólares. Cuando me llamó, CapitalOne explicó que no es lo que el hotel recibió, no lo que me acuerdo de pagar el vendedor, pero la cantidad de conversión, generalmente 2 días después de la transacción cuando el CapitalOne publica. Hola LJ, ¿ha intentado llamar al hotel Incluso si la factura mostró el precio en dólares, el hotel puede haber cobrado en colones de todos modos, utilizando cualquier tipo de conversión que querían usar (que wasn8217t lo mismo que CapOne8217s). Entré en conversaciones con CapitalOne porque me decían que mi impuesto de salida de Costa Rica era un adelanto en efectivo. Me cobraron 0,50. Pasé 6 meses sobre esto debido al director. Cuando me hicieron preguntas, todos me señalaron el hecho de que yo estaba en lo cierto y algo que no debería haber sucedido. Mi calificación de crédito bajó unos 150 pts. Eventualmente tuve que trabajar con Experian para corregir este problema. Huelga decir que no tengo y no voy a tratar con Capital One again82308230 Creo que esto puede suceder con cierta frecuencia. Cuando me fui de Costa Rica, había una gran señal en el stand de impuestos de salida diciendo que sería cargado como un anticipo de efectivo, no un cargo de crédito. Tuve que comer la tarifa, ya que no estaba preparado. No es que yo abogara por Capital One (don8217t), pero I8217m no estoy seguro de la culpa fue de 100 en su final, vs el 8220vendor.8221 ¿Por qué su puntuación bajar 150 puntos. ¿Cómo es que incluso está relacionado con Cap One VentureOne por Capital One 8211 0 de interés para el primer año, sin honorarios de transacción en el extranjero, 1,25 millas por cada dólar 8230 espero tener mejor suerte en el Reino Unido que LJ hizo en Costa Rica, se dinged por 3 cada transacción Por mi tarjeta de la pizarra la vez pasada y que agrega up8230 USAA es la opción para nuestra familia, pienso que sus honorarios especialmente en ultramar son los más bajos. Mi hija se va a Toledo, España para estudiar durante cinco semanas en junio. ¿Qué recomendaría para una tarjeta internacional para su I8217d recomendar la Capital One Cash, que no tiene ninguna tarifa de transacción en el extranjero y sin cuota anual, y da 1.5 dinero en efectivo en todas las compras. El Capital One Journey es una tarjeta de crédito de estudiante que da 1,25 recompensas y también no tiene honorarios anuales o F / X, pero realmente no hay razón para obtener una tarjeta designada por el estudiante cuando se puede obtener una mejor tasa de recompensas con el efectivo Como you8217re que co-firma su tarjeta de daughter8217s) resumen excelente. Muchas gracias Parece que Capital One es el camino a seguir para un viaje a Londres este verano. John en un visado Excelente artículo Muchas gracias. Creo que todas las tarjetas de crédito que no cobran ninguna tarifa de transacción en absoluto. Pero no tengo perfecta en la calificación crediticia Keep Posting Hay dos Capital One Venture tarjetas 8211 uno que cobra una cuota anual y uno que doesn8217t 8230 es el que no cobra honorarios amp tiene 0 tasas de cambio más que el Capital One Cash que tiene Se ha mencionado aquí It8217s en realidad un poco peor. El Capital One Cash devuelve 1,5 dólares, pero el VentureOne sólo da 1,25 millas por dólar gastado (1,25) con poco beneficio adicional. B de A acaba de decirme que la tarifa es 0 en mi tarjeta de recompensas en efectivo. Me pregunto si eso es porque era un reemplazo para la tarjeta de Schwab que solían emitir. Vamos a Europa este verano y queremos una tarjeta de crédito sin gastos de transacción en el extranjero, pero también queremos poder usarla en el cajero automático por dinero en efectivo. Tenemos tarjetas de débito pero están vinculadas a nuestra cuenta de cheques. ¿Es seguro utilizar nuestras tarjetas de débito o debemos obtener una nueva tarjeta de crédito? No debería usar una tarjeta de crédito para obtener dinero de un cajero automático. En su lugar, puede utilizar una tarjeta de débito sin gastos de transacción en el extranjero. Mi recomendación es la cuenta de cheques de interés de Capital One, que no tiene honorarios de F / X y le reembolsa algunos honorarios de cajeros automáticos internacionales, hasta 25 / mes: El sitio web de Capital One indica que 8217 adquirió ING y le pide que mire sus productos. Cualquier sugerencia Específicamente, estamos buscando una tarjeta de débito o de crédito para realizar compras y retiros de efectivo en Canadá. La tarjeta Fairmont Visa Signature tiene 0 honorarios de transacciones en el extranjero, 1 año gratis y un montón de otros bonos (gratis 2 noches Fairmont hotel y vale de desayuno a cualquier lugar en todo el mundo). Estaré viviendo en Corea del Sur por al menos un año. I8217ll abrirá una cuenta bancaria y asumirá que vendrá con una tarjeta de débito. Todavía pienso que sería sabio tener una tarjeta de crédito de los EEUU. Mi tarjeta actual tiene una tarifa de transacción de 3 extranjeros. Me gusta evitar eso. ¿Qué recomendaría Gracias I8217d recomendar el Capital One Cash, que da 1.5 dinero en efectivo en todas las compras. La razón detrás de tener una tarjeta sin categorías de bonificación es que muchos comerciantes en Corea no se clasifican en formas que las tarjetas de crédito de EE. UU. reconocerán, por lo que won8217t obtener su bonificación. El efectivo no tiene honorario anual y ninguna tarifa extranjera de la transacción, e it8217ll le da una tarifa más alta de las recompensas en todas sus compras. Por lo que en conclusión, es Capital One Venture Rewards VISA el mejor entre estos Sin comisión de transacción en el extranjero, 2 de vuelta (canje de viaje sólo), y sin recargo sobre las tasas de cambio I8217m va a vivir en Alemania durante 2 meses, y me gustaría Una tarjeta sin honorarios de transacción, pero que puedo seguir usando cuando regrese que tiene grandes recompensas. He estado usando las tarjetas de Citi Dividends por unos 15 años. Utilizo mi tarjeta para la mayoría de las compras y pago la factura cada mes. Supongo que hay una tarjeta mejor por ahí para mis necesidades. Y, viajo mucho, pero nunca he utilizado millas o nada. ¿Puede alguien sugerir una tarjeta de crédito de negocios con ninguna tasa de transacción en el extranjero, y las tasas de interés bajas, Visa o MC Las tarjetas de Chase Bold no son tarjetas de crédito. Usted debe dejarlos en su totalidad cada mes. La tarjeta Chase Sapphire no es una tarjeta de presentación. Yo recomendaría una de las tarjetas de Capital One Spark, ya que todas las tarjetas de CO no tienen ninguna tarifa de transacción en el extranjero. Mi elección personal es Capital One Spark Miles, que paga 2 No Hassle Miles por cada 1 gastado por una tarifa de 2 base de recompensas. I8217m actualmente trabajando en el extranjero (principalmente en la Eurozona) y cobrar por el trabajo y luego obtener reembolsados ​​en euros. Me gusta utilizar una tarjeta con algunas recompensas (en lugar de mi tarjeta de débito en euros), pero estoy preocupado por perder en el intercambio basado en el calendario de los cargos frente al reembolso. ¿Es usted la concesión de cualquier tarjeta de crédito basada en Euro que tienen recompensas Mi prometido y yo vamos a Inglaterra y Francia en noviembre. Obviamente queremos la mejor tarjeta de viaje que podemos conseguir. Creo que estamos inclinados hacia la tarjeta de Venture, pero me encontré con la tarjeta Northrop Grumman CU Cash Rebates y me gustaría su opinión sobre ella. Gracias por su tiempo Ya que la tarjeta Northrop Grumman paga 1,5 dólares en efectivo y la Venture paga 2, si gasta más de 11,800 al año, usted saldrá adelante con la Venture. Hola me tropecé en este post, y se preguntaba acerca de sus pensamientos en las tarjetas de crédito HSBC. I8217m mirando el HSBC Premier World MasterCard (que creo que se menciona anteriormente). Platinum Cash / Fly Rewards y la Platinum MasterCard. Los dos últimos don8217t parecen necesitar la cantidad del depósito de 100k pero todavía no ofrecen ninguna tarifa extranjera de la transacción. Gracias Las tarjetas don8217t parecen tener grandes programas de recompensas. El dinero en efectivo Platinum / Fly sólo da 1 de vuelta en todas las compras, sin bonos de registro. La Premier World MasterCard ofrece 1 recompensa como tarifa básica, y 2 en gastos en los primeros 6 meses. Para poner eso en perspectiva, sin embargo, muchas tarjetas ofrecen bonos de inscripción de 200. You8217d tiene que gastar 10.000 para ganar ese mismo bono en el Premier. Si usted no está buscando ninguna tarifa de F / X, recompensas mejores y ninguna cuota anual, recomiendo el Capital One Cash. Hola allí también caí en su sitio web. Viajo más de 2 a 4 veces al año. Mi familia de husband8217s es Italia así que nos quedamos allí dos a 3 semanas a la vez. I8217m que busca ningunas tarifas de transacción extranjeras y recompensas de viaje. Mi Chase Freedom World MasterCard no parece cobrar cuando compré de WebMart en Nueva Zelanda. Es el que ahora tiene el plan de recompensa giratorio 5 actualmente en comestibles. Pero mi BankAmericard Cash Rewards MasterCard cobró 3 Ugh (el uno con 3 en gas y 2 en alimentos) Una cosa que don8217t mención es la tarjeta con chip de tarjeta inteligente. Viajo a Europa y el Reino Unido todo el tiempo y las tarjetas sin un chip son inútiles en muchos lugares, especialmente las máquinas de billetes de tren. Mi favorito es el JP Morgan Signature VISA de Chase. Estoy a punto de abandonar mi AMEX. Echa un vistazo a nuestra nueva lista de las principales tarjetas de crédito chip-and-sign La tarjeta JPMorgan es uno de nuestros favoritos, al igual que el British Airways Visa. Nerdwallet / blog / top-tarjetas de crédito / nerdwallets-best-emv-chip-tarjetas de crédito / I8217m confundido. Chase Sapphire Preferred, above, says No Transaction Fee. Upon receiving my card, the literature say: There is a FEE Help Today, told by Chase rep. that there is NO Foreign Trans. fee. Wonder what exchange rate they use. Sorry, I mean the literature for Chase Sapphire Preferred says there is a Foreign Transaction Fee Hello, I am moving to Germany for a year What should I do as far as a debit card I currently have an account at amegy bank and comerica I8217m going to be living in Japan for a year, and am looking for a card that does not have a foreign transaction fee 8212 but should I also try and get a card with an EMV chip Is Japan a place where not having an EMV chip could really prove troublesome Thanks Discover Card no longer charges foreign transaction fees 8211 new policy for almost 1 year I8217m from Japan. Having an EMV chip card might be easier but they take non-chipped card as well. You just need to sign instead of punching in your PIN. My AAA membership card has a prepaid feature with American Express and there8217s no foreign transaction fee. Just got an e-mail from Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards, which became FTF-free for the Premier level only. We live in Costa Rica full time, but have many of our finances, such as credit cards, in the U. S. We have been using the Chase Presidential Plus United card in the last year, as it carries no foreign transaction fees. The lack of the fee is important as we use the card to pay fuel bills for a fishing business. We typically spend 5000-10,000 per month. We pay a 450 annual fee. We use the rewards miles mostly for international tickets, or a few domestic tickets as our daughter is in school in the U. S. Are there other cards that might be better deals for us Perhaps using a cash back card and then pay for airline tickets We live in Costa Rica full time, but have many of our finances, such as credit cards, in the U. S. We have been using the Chase Presidential Plus United card in the last year, as it carries no foreign transaction fees. The lack of the fee is important as we use the card to pay fuel bills for a fishing business. We typically spend 5000-10,000 per month. We pay a 450 annual fee. We use the rewards miles mostly for international tickets, or a few domestic tickets as our daughter is in school in the U. S. Are there other cards that might be better deals for us Perhaps using a cash back card and then pay for airline tickets Hello. I am a recent college grad who will be spending the next 9 months teaching English in Madrid, Spain. I am very interested in applying for a credit card to have extra spending money for food, traveling, and emergencies. I have never owned a credit card before, so I do not have either good or bad credit. My plan is to only use a credit card during the time that I will be abroad. I am looking for a credit card that I won8217t have to start making payments on for at least 9 months, won8217t charge me foreign transaction fees, and will offer me the lowest interest rate. Can you please offer me your advice Thanks Hello. I am a recent college grad who will be spending the next 9 months teaching English in Madrid, Spain. I am very interested in applying for a credit card to have extra spending money for food, traveling, and emergencies. I have never owned a credit card before, so I do not have either good or bad credit. My plan is to only use a credit card during the time that I will be abroad. I am looking for a credit card that I won8217t have to start making payments on for at least 9 months, won8217t charge me foreign transaction fees, and will offer me the lowest interest rate. Can you please offer me your advice Thanks Yeah, that8217s not a wise choice8230 with no credit you might be able to get about 2k credit. I8217m willing to bet you will need more than 2k for 9 months traveling abroad. I8217d think you would need a minimum of 20k. Not sure why they would give you interest free/no payments for 9 months when you have no credit (and no credit is basically bad credit) and no means of income. You 8220might8221 be better off getting a 7/- personal loan and selling your car to finance your trip. Really the best option is to get a job and save your money for the trip. That way you can 1 get a credit card and 2 save money for it and use the credit card as a backup if you run into trouble. Please note I said 8220backup8221 if you get into trouble. Really, mate, what are you smoking Beside your dad, who in the right mind will give you an unsecured credit for 9 months and longer, with no credit history, no income, and no assurance to ever see their money again Has this financial crisis not taught you anything, such as the fact that the whole world might not just revolve around you As Greg mentions below, you might get a personal loan at a reasonable rate from a bank State-side with your parents co-signing. Or borrow money directly from relatives. Or get a job first, learn a few lessons about how the world works, and then travel to your heart8217s content once you8217ve got some means to do it. I would recommend you try a Citi Forward card, or Citi Simplicity. As most of the cards with no foreign transaction fee require an annual fee, you might do well with the Forwards push toward Students and the Simplicity no interest for 18 mos. You could try opening an HSBC account and then applying for a card as they generally do better with fees and waiving them for you if you have a personal banker who is nice. Also go with an Global Bank like Citi, HSBC, Scotia, Banco popular, etc. Also if you can open a quick account with the bank and wait a week or two before applying for the card you generally have better luck and if you can apply for the card in person with the banker. I had much better luck as a new grad in that situation as I think it might look more favourably. Lastly apply for a bunch of cards (no more than 2 with each bank at a time) prefereably all in the same 24 8211 48 hour period. Saturdays are good. It will look to the credit bureau that you applied less times than you actually did and since you are going overseas for 18 mod, provided you dont fuck up your credit by spending and not paying you will come back to a larger credit line and overall better credit than you left with. good Luck and Bon Voyage. Any questions hit me up on Facebook No Foreign Transaction Fee: Citi Hilton Honors, ck it out. I do not believe Schwab offers a credit card anymore. Hola. Like David below, I too am headed to Madrid, Spain for a graduate studies program for one year but will be traveling frequently for my part time consultant work in the Caribbean and Latin America. I am looking for a card with no foreign transaction fees, benefits related to airfare and hotels, and an EMV chip and pin. I mention the chip because I have heard that transactions in Europe are most secure with an EMV chip and pin, and that some locations/services/products ONLY accept cards with the chip and pin. Is that true I currently bank with the Bank of America and would be paying myself back each month with my balance in my US account (effectively using a credit card as if it were a debit card). Which card would you recommend Thanks very much. Hola. Like David below, I too am headed to Madrid, Spain for a graduate studies program for one year but will be traveling frequently for my part time consultant work in the Caribbean and Latin America. I am looking for a card with no foreign transaction fees, benefits related to airfare and hotels, and an EMV chip and pin. I mention the chip because I have heard that transactions in Europe are most secure with an EMV chip and pin, and that some locations/services/products ONLY accept cards with the chip and pin. Is that true I currently bank with the Bank of America and would be paying myself back each month with my balance in my US account (effectively using a credit card as if it were a debit card). Which card would you recommend Thanks very much. Hi, I am a college student who is planning to spend about 6 months in France and Spain. I have good credit and have my own cards and a reasonable income, but I wanted to open a card without a foreign transaction fee while I8217m in Europe and my Discover card isn8217t accepted in France, where I8217ll be spending most of my time. I do have a PNC Visa that carries a 3 transaction fee. Do you think this is a wise decision If so, which cards do you recommend, and if not, what do you advise Hi, I am a college student who is planning to spend about 6 months in France and Spain. I have good credit and have my own cards and a reasonable income, but I wanted to open a card without a foreign transaction fee while I8217m in Europe and my Discover card isn8217t accepted in France, where I8217ll be spending most of my time. I do have a PNC Visa that carries a 3 transaction fee. Do you think this is a wise decision If so, which cards do you recommend, and if not, what do you advise I love my capital one credit card8230 and better than expected exchange rate8230 highly recomended8230 no fees I believe San Francisco Credit Union has a credit card with no foreign transaction fee. A word of caution about Capital One8230I call them beforehand every time I travel overseas to let them know I8217ll be using the card, and EVERY time, at some point they decline to authorize the card when I8217m using it on my trip, and I ALWAYS have to call them from overseas to straighten it out. (Plus the embarrassment of standing in a shop or hotel and have the clerk tell you your credit card8217s been declined.) It8217s just happened again for the umpteenth time, so I8217m cancelling mine and going with another issuer. A word of caution about Capital One8230I call them beforehand every time I travel overseas to let them know I8217ll be using the card, and EVERY time, at some point they decline to authorize the card when I8217m using it on my trip, and I ALWAYS have to call them from overseas to straighten it out. (Plus the embarrassment of standing in a shop or hotel and have the clerk tell you your credit card8217s been declined.) It8217s just happened again for the umpteenth time, so I8217m cancelling mine and going with another issuer. I learned my lesson the hard way too: have at least two credit card on hand when traveling. I suggest you take a visa because they accept that in most foreign countries and a MasterCard. I was once caught with only one card and lived to regret it, now I carry three on the off chance that one doesn8217t work and they don8217t accept the other one, so a third should work, lol. It8217s ridiculous but sometimes merchants are picky because they can be, so just have a ton of options so they can never say no. Remember that is rule 1, rule 2 is always give travel notifications BEFORE you leave the US and give your exact dates, this will help them a lot. Remember American Express and Discover are not largely accepted outside the US (not even inside By the way posting a comment on this page sucks with the iphone. It has a lot of bugs. As I was saying, always have a back-up card, even with a foreign transaction fee is better than not being able to make your purchase in front of friends or family or leaving them stuck with your bill. The only credit card company that has told me I didn8217t need to issue more travel notifications was Chase, because I have been with them for a long time, I always pay on time and I traveled a lot for long period of time so they were aware that it was me and not an identity thief, but I do like that they take their precautions. Good luck on your travels next time:) You omitted Debit amp ATM cards. Ask your bank if it has foreign correspondent banks whose ATMs can be used for no charge. I have a Citi bank for oversees and keep the amount they wanted but I still get charged. They say they don8217t do it in Brazil what card could I get to use here Please consider the way that the credit card company processes your foreign currency conversion/transaction, then adds on the fees mentioned above. Visa allows each bank to determine its own exchange rate for each country. So with Visa Cards, you will see a wide variation of currency exchange rates from each bank that issues Visa Branded Cards, i. e. Capital One, Chase, and Bank of America all issue Visa Branded Cards. On the same date, each will have a different spread on a given foreign currency and then add the transaction fee. Mastercard does it differently. MC determines their foreign exchange rate for a given currency on a transaction date and then the issuing banks add on their foreign transaction fee. My experience is that the MC rate is much closer to mid market than any rate from any Visa Card. The difference may be quite significant. When I travel outside the U. S. I use the Capital One Mastercard. This has been the lowest cost card for me. I am not paid nor affliated with Capital One. Also, please be aware of one other item when travelling internationally and using your credit cards. The local banks that process your transaction in that foreign country are trying to gouge you. Sometimes, they will do the foreign currency conversion on your receipt and bill you in USD. Stop them. Insist on being billed in their local currency. They are gouging you on that conversion. Tell the merchant to run your credit card transaction in their local currency or pay with cash. Hotels are notorious for this. About ten years ago, a hotel quoted me a room rate in USD, then converted to local currency and then expected to have my credit card convert back to USD. I think that I just paid them in USD cash. I realize that this may be long for a post, however, I hope that you find value in this post and take advantage of my knowledge in your travels. Please consider the way that the credit card company processes your foreign currency conversion/transaction, then adds on the fees mentioned above. Visa allows each bank to determine its own exchange rate for each country. So with Visa Cards, you will see a wide variation of currency exchange rates from each bank that issues Visa Branded Cards, i. e. Capital One, Chase, and Bank of America all issue Visa Branded Cards. On the same date, each will have a different spread on a given foreign currency and then add the transaction fee. Mastercard does it differently. MC determines their foreign exchange rate for a given currency on a transaction date and then the issuing banks add on their foreign transaction fee. My experience is that the MC rate is much closer to mid market than any rate from any Visa Card. The difference may be quite significant. When I travel outside the U. S. I use the Capital One Mastercard. This has been the lowest cost card for me. I am not paid nor affliated with Capital One. Also, please be aware of one other item when travelling internationally and using your credit cards. The local banks that process your transaction in that foreign country are trying to gouge you. Sometimes, they will do the foreign currency conversion on your receipt and bill you in USD. Stop them. Insist on being billed in their local currency. They are gouging you on that conversion. Tell the merchant to run your credit card transaction in their local currency or pay with cash. Hotels are notorious for this. About ten years ago, a hotel quoted me a room rate in USD, then converted to local currency and then expected to have my credit card convert back to USD. I think that I just paid them in USD cash. I realize that this may be long for a post, however, I hope that you find value in this post and take advantage of my knowledge in your travels. Chase Sapphire Preferred Visa is a good card. Decent rewards also. The Chase Sapphire Preferred Card has the EMV chip beginning November 2013. An asset for those who travel overseas. im traveling to UK/Europe in june for 2 wks. Im trying to figure out the best way not to get burned on foreign trans fees. I am willing to open new accts for this trip. Are all paywave/paypass cards compatible with EMV/Chip-pin Do both the Debit/ATM card and CC need to be EMV standard Which is the Best US bank for atm withdrawals(or debit) as far as charging foreign trans fees Thanks im traveling to UK/Europe in june for 2 wks. Im trying to figure out the best way not to get burned on foreign trans fees. I am willing to open new accts for this trip. Are all paywave/paypass cards compatible with EMV/Chip-pin Do both the Debit/ATM card and CC need to be EMV standard Which is the Best US bank for atm withdrawals(or debit) as far as charging foreign trans fees Thanks The Merrill Plus Visa Signature Card does not have any foreign transaction fee either. In your list of all cards with no F/X fees, please mark those which have the chip, too. Avoid Capital One Quicksilver card. I called Capital One a week and a half before my recent trip to Brussels to tell them I would be going to Brussels and for them to send me a pin. I arrived in Brussels, last weekend, with my credit card and pin, and tried to get money from the ATM. I couldn8217t. So, I tried to get a train ticket using the credit card, and I couldn8217t. Fortunately, I was traveling with someone who bought me a train ticket. There followed my e-mails to my wife in the U. S. for her help to contact Capital One, my wife finding out Capital One froze my credit card (because of so-called unauthorized access), my wife getting no where with Capital One because she wasn8217t on the credit card, but she could answer all the security questions, my having to ask the front desk of the hotel how to make the phone call to Capital One for assistance because Capital One8217s instructions on how to do so didn8217t work, (oh, yeah, I couldn8217t access my account online because Capital One blocked that, too), then the 67 in long distance my calls my wife made to me to help, and finally me getting through to Capital One and them offering to send me a new pin number to my address in the U. S. in 7-10 days even though I8217m in Brussels. But until then my account was frozen. The only thing that saved my backside is that I had picked up a small number of euros from a AAA office near where I live in advance of the trip, and 8211 the biggest lifesaver of all 8211 purchased a AAA travel debit card while I was in Brussels, my wife was able to load money onto the debit card for me to get money from ATM machines in Brussels. So, yeah, thanks Capital One for leaving me stranded more than 3,000 miles away from home without access to funds. Avoid Capital One Quicksilver card. I called Capital One a week and a half before my recent trip to Brussels to tell them I would be going to Brussels and for them to send me a pin. I arrived in Brussels, last weekend, with my credit card and pin, and tried to get money from the ATM. I couldn8217t. So, I tried to get a train ticket using the credit card, and I couldn8217t. Fortunately, I was traveling with someone who bought me a train ticket. There followed my e-mails to my wife in the U. S. for her help to contact Capital One, my wife finding out Capital One froze my credit card (because of so-called unauthorized access), my wife getting no where with Capital One because she wasn8217t on the credit card, but she could answer all the security questions, my having to ask the front desk of the hotel how to make the phone call to Capital One for assistance because Capital One8217s instructions on how to do so didn8217t work, (oh, yeah, I couldn8217t access my account online because Capital One blocked that, too), then the 67 in long distance my calls my wife made to me to help, and finally me getting through to Capital One and them offering to send me a new pin number to my address in the U. S. in 7-10 days even though I8217m in Brussels. But until then my account was frozen. The only thing that saved my backside is that I had picked up a small number of euros from a AAA office near where I live in advance of the trip, and 8211 the biggest lifesaver of all 8211 purchased a AAA travel debit card while I was in Brussels, my wife was able to load money onto the debit card for me to get money from ATM machines in Brussels. So, yeah, thanks Capital One for leaving me stranded more than 3,000 miles away from home without access to funds. Avoid CapOne at all costs, you8217ll be much better offer with Chase or Barclays. US Airways Premier Master Card no longer has foreign transaction fees. I need an all-purpose credit card that will earn travel rewards that are easy to use on any airline. I had gotten a British Airways Visa, lured by the 8220free companion ticket8221 and bonus miles at signup, but I8217m finding it nearly impossible to actually get a flight using rewards points. They have so few seats available on which to use them, even when I try to book way in advance. I assume that8217s because they allocate a limited number of seats for reward points. I want to be able to use my points on any airline at any time, and be able to make the reservations a year in advance or a week in advance. Is there any such credit card I need an all-purpose credit card that will earn travel rewards that are easy to use on any airline. I had gotten a British Airways Visa, lured by the 8220free companion ticket8221 and bonus miles at signup, but I8217m finding it nearly impossible to actually get a flight using rewards points. They have so few seats available on which to use them, even when I try to book way in advance. I assume that8217s because they allocate a limited number of seats for reward points. I want to be able to use my points on any airline at any time, and be able to make the reservations a year in advance or a week in advance. Is there any such credit card Rick are you sure. I tried buying airline tickets through a European website and USAirways World MC (Barclay8217s) said there was a 3 charge. I8217m thinking the Barclay Arrival Card would be a great one for you. 2x points on everything and you get a 10 rebate for points redeemed. You can purchase airfare at anytime and there are no restrictions. It8217s about as flexible as a card will get given your goals You should know that Barclay Arrival will charge a foreign transaction fee, even though they advertise as not charging a fee. You may want to choose a different card if your goal is to avoid any foreign transaction fees. Chase is as good as its word. I checked after looking at a bill recently, and they were within half a basis point of market rates on my foreign transactions. Very impressive, especially when foreign banks (even one where I held an account) were trying to charge me 4-5 to convert cash. How is bank of America I8217m traveling to europe in 4 months and need a good credit card. Please help Capital One 360 is your best bet. No fees and it works well at most ATM. Used the debit card in Asia, Africa and Europe without any issues or transaction fees I have a question. I want to apply for the Barclaycard Arrival Plus because of the rewards and no foreign transaction fee. The terms and conditions specifically state under foreign transaction fee 82200 of each transaction in U. S. dollars.8221 What is the significance of 8220in U. S. dollars.8221 If I am in Europe and a bill is in local currency and I try to use my credit card, will I then be charged a foreign transaction fee Has anyone actually used this credit card abroad what are your thoughts I have a question. I want to apply for the Barclaycard Arrival Plus because of the rewards and no foreign transaction fee. The terms and conditions specifically state under foreign transaction fee 82200 of each transaction in U. S. dollars.8221 What is the significance of 8220in U. S. dollars.8221 If I am in Europe and a bill is in local currency and I try to use my credit card, will I then be charged a foreign transaction fee Has anyone actually used this credit card abroad what are your thoughts Hi there 8211 Don8217t worry As of 2/9/2015, the Barclaycard Arrival Plus has no foreign transaction fees on anything you buy while in another country. The 8220in U. S. dollars8221 language refers to the typical foreign transaction fee 8211 it is charged in U. S. dollars (not in the currency of the country where you make the purchase), but that isn8217t important when the fee is 0. This is not true. They charge a 1 foreign transaction fee. Their advertisement of 8220no foreign transaction fee8221 is not true. Pick a different card that actually doesn8217t charge a fee I don8217t have personal experience (yet), but I tend to agree with Emme 8211 see my comment above re Barclay8217s agreement stating they convert currency using 8220either the wholesale market rate or the government mandated rate in effect under those procedures increased by one percent.8221 I travel for 3 months at a time and like to have a positive balance in my cc account so i don8217t have to worry about moving money. The Cap One Venture card only allows a 60 day Travel Alert. They tell me it can be extended but I really have to create a new one AFTER the old one expires. I am not always near wi-fi. They return the positive balance to my house after 1 month, And I need a higher limit than what they will give me in case of a medical emergency while traveling. What free card will cover at least a couple of those three problems as well as no foreign transaction fee I travel for 3 months at a time and like to have a positive balance in my cc account so i don8217t have to worry about moving money. The Cap One Venture card only allows a 60 day Travel Alert. They tell me it can be extended but I really have to create a new one AFTER the old one expires. I am not always near wi-fi. They return the positive balance to my house after 1 month, And I need a higher limit than what they will give me in case of a medical emergency while traveling. What free card will cover at least a couple of those three problems as well as no foreign transaction fee Sounds like you8217d like a card with no annual fee, no foreign transaction fee for traveling abroad, a higher credit limit, and longer travel alerts. Your credit limit is dependent on your credit score. The better your credit score, the higher your credit limit. Sometimes, you can simply call up the credit card issuer (or go online) and request a higher balance. Read more tips here: nerdwallet/blog/tips/credit-score/higher-credit-limit/ To learn more about longer travel alerts, you may have to contact the credit card issuer directly. Some banks, like BofA, have 8220sister8221 branches abroad that you could visit if needed. I hope this helps Looking for a no annual fee and no foreign exchange fee with chip for my daughter who has no credit. Mine is good so going to apply for a card and make her an authorized user. She is going to Brazil for a year as an exchange student. Suggestions Thx. Jody Looking for a no annual fee and no foreign exchange fee with chip for my daughter who has no credit. Mine is good so going to apply for a card and make her an authorized user. She is going to Brazil for a year as an exchange student. Suggestions Thx. Jody Hi disqusblPjONqLHP:disqus 8211 I would check out either the BankAmericard Travel Rewards card or the BankAmericard Travel Rewards card for Students. Both have no annual fee, no foreign transaction fees, and smart chip technology 8212 just depends whether you like the added features on the student version for your daughter. I recently returned from Europe and noticed many of my credit card charges were for a higher amount than the currency traded that day or even in subsequent days. For example, I purchased a bag from Le Bon March for 1450E (declined to pay in US dollars when present with the option). Shortly after my purchase I received a fraud text alert from Chase asking if I made a purchase for 1647.62. I replied yes and didn8217t think twice. When I got home and reviewed my activity on my cc I saw that charge posted for 1672 plus change. Confused I checked the currency market rates and saw the euro never traded in the 1.15 range during the time I was in Europe. My credit card company does not charge any foreign transaction fees. Why am I being billed a higher currency rate than the market rate I understand that currencies fluctuate throughout the day and that the final rate at the end of the day may not be what I am charged depending on when the transaction processes, but I8217m seeing that I8217m charged rates that the market never hit. Of course, none of the transactions are for lower than the market rate. Seeing that I was asked immediately after my purchased if I charged one amount, then later charged a higher amount makes me think there is some 8220fee8221 being tacked on afterwards. My credit card company, Chase Southwest Visa, says they can8217t explain and suggested disputing the difference. I recently returned from Europe and noticed many of my credit card charges were for a higher amount than the currency traded that day or even in subsequent days. For example, I purchased a bag from Le Bon March for 1450E (declined to pay in US dollars when present with the option). Shortly after my purchase I received a fraud text alert from Chase asking if I made a purchase for 1647.62. I replied yes and didn8217t think twice. When I got home and reviewed my activity on my cc I saw that charge posted for 1672 plus change. Confused I checked the currency market rates and saw the euro never traded in the 1.15 range during the time I was in Europe. My credit card company does not charge any foreign transaction fees. Why am I being billed a higher currency rate than the market rate I understand that currencies fluctuate throughout the day and that the final rate at the end of the day may not be what I am charged depending on when the transaction processes, but I8217m seeing that I8217m charged rates that the market never hit. Of course, none of the transactions are for lower than the market rate. Seeing that I was asked immediately after my purchased if I charged one amount, then later charged a higher amount makes me think there is some 8220fee8221 being tacked on afterwards. My credit card company, Chase Southwest Visa, says they can8217t explain and suggested disputing the difference. I opened a Schwab checking account with 100. This was enough for them to send me free checks along with a debit card. I deposited an additional 5,000 a few days before traveling to Italy. I used the debit card in Italy and they reimbursed me for all of the ATM fees and there were no additional transaction fees. BTW, I tranferred out all but 75. In 8 months, there were no additional monthly fees. I have just funded it again because I8217m heading to London in a couple of weeks. I have only about 2000 in there. I use it specifically for international travel. It8217s awesome. Most countries you need cash usually well over 50 of the time. Other then your 3 star hotel. It8217s just a great feeling to go to the closest ATM around and pull out money. No fees. That way you don8217t even have to carry a butt load of cash on you. Its a security thing as well. Remove cash on a daily basis to avoid walking around with 500.00 and also good to manage your budget if you do so. Even Las Vegas where they have 5-10 transaction fee. Is reimbursed montly. Hi Alex, To be clear, the 8216foreign currency8217 are cash advances normally processed at the FX exchange huts (with high fees). Normal purchases will be rewarded. I traveled for 5 month last summer all over EU and earned a ticket for my daughter to visit Italy. Found the ChipSig cards were getting spotty acceptance. Going back in April with new ChipPin card hope I find easier acceptance. Cheers They ask for opening an account for 1M8230 Yes Carlos, this is what they said. I opened a Schwab checking account with 100. This was enough for them to send me free checks along with a debit card. I deposited an additional 5,000 a few days before traveling to Italy. I used the debit card in Italy and they reimbursed me for all of the ATM fees and there were no additional transaction fees. BTW, I tranferred out all but 75. In 8 months, there were no additional monthly fees. I have just funded it again because I8217m heading to London in a couple of weeks. I have only about 2000 in there. I use it specifically for international travel. It8217s awesome. Most countries you need cash usually well over 50 of the time. Other then your 3 star hotel. It8217s just a great feeling to go to the closest ATM around and pull out money. No fees. That way you don8217t even have to carry a butt load of cash on you. Its a security thing as well. Remove cash on a daily basis to avoid walking around with 500.00 and also good to manage your budget if you do so. Even Las Vegas where they have 5-10 transaction fee. Is reimbursed montly. I don8217t have personal experience (yet), but I tend to agree with Emme 8211 see my comment above re Barclay8217s agreement stating they convert currency using 8220either the wholesale market rate or the government mandated rate in effect under those procedures increased by one percent.8221 I8217m going to Spain for 2 weeks and want a card with 0 transaction feed, no atm fees, and no annual costs. Which card should I use I was just looking at a past statement for my Barclaycard Arrival Plus during a time I was in France. I8217m trying to see what you8217re referring to. I think that maybe what you8217re saying is that the conversion rate that they cite for each transaction (e. g. 0.73645 Euro8217s per U. S. Dollar) is not actually the true forex conversion rate at that point in time, that it8217s adjusted by 1 that MasterCard takes. So, for example, when it says 0.73645 (EUR per USD), that the actual conversion rate at that time was about 0.74381 (EUR per USD), but MasterCard gave me 1 less for my dollars than they were actually worth at that point in time, and that works out to 0.73645 EUR per USD. Is that how the 1 shows up (Otherwise, I can8217t seem to see this 1 anywhere on my statements.) I am going to be in Israel for the academic year next year, and need a credit card, debit card or both. Any suggestions I am going to be in Israel for the academic year next year, and need a credit card, debit card or both. Any suggestions Debit card and take out cash from Discount Bank they have the best rates. When I was there I took out 400-500 NIS at a time (100 about). I also used my gold amex with no foreign fees pretty much everywhere. Only place I couldn8217t use a credit card easily was the shuk and the citipass train station. I am Canadian travelling to Italy in Sept. Looking for a little direction as to what would be the best card. Not concerned about getting rewards as much as not paying fees for anything. What about using your debit card at an ATM I am Canadian travelling to Italy in Sept. Looking for a little direction as to what would be the best card. Not concerned about getting rewards as much as not paying fees for anything. What about using your debit card at an ATM This means nothing without comparing the foreign exchange rates the banks use. Many build in a 8220fee8221, don8217t they This means nothing without comparing the foreign exchange rates the banks use. Many build in a 8220fee8221, don8217t they I believe the Chase Hyatt card also has no FTF. Also, JCB has a listed fee of 1.1, but they told me (and followed through) that I wouldn8217t have a transaction fee while using it in Japan. The rate they gave me seemed very close to the rates listed on google and various finance sites. They were all within 119.9 8211 120.1 JPY. 1 USD and similar to what I got on the same days using a Citi ThankYou Premier, Capital one PS Visa, and Discover. I believe the Chase Hyatt card also has no FTF. Also, JCB has a listed fee of 1.1, but they told me (and followed through) that I wouldn8217t have a transaction fee while using it in Japan. The rate they gave me seemed very close to the rates listed on google and various finance sites. They were all within 119.9 8211 120.1 JPY. 1 USD and similar to what I got on the same days using a Citi ThankYou Premier, Capital one PS Visa, and Discover. Be aware that as of November 2013, BofA DEBIT cards now charge a 3 Foreign Transaction fee everywhere abroad You only avoid the 5 sky high ATM fee that BofA charges at non-global alliance ATMs. Most CREDIT cards additionally charge huge cash advance fees 8220Keep in mind that when you use your debit card to withdraw money from an international ATM, Bank of America will assess an international transaction fee of 3 of the converted U. S. dollar amount.8221 I8217m traveling to Europe in October and am looking for a credit card with no intl transaction fees that offers cash back rewards. Not sure if AE is a good choice or is Visa the best for international. I8217ve been searching quite a bit and have read lots of reviews8230so many confusing options, really need expert opinion what would be the best option for us. Travel is already booked and paid, but our bank cards offer us nothing in return. We would really like to earn some kind of perk perhaps to spend when we travel. I feel like we are not taking advantage of options. Any advice is greatly appreciated Go with the Capital One Venture Card. No hassles. Wendy 8211 I8217m not sure if they have Charles Schwab in Canada, but they do offer a debit card that reimburses ATM fees that you incur both domestically and internationally. It8217s worth looking into. As for credit cards, while card issuers like Discover and Capital One don8217t charge FTF8217s, they don8217t support Chip amp Pin techology. The best option I8217ve found is the Visa Azure card from UNFCU. They do require you open an account, but the process is quite seamless. The card charges no FTF8217s and it also supports Chip amp Pin technology. david 8211 Thank you for the mention. We do not charge foreign transaction fees on our Visa Elite credit card that is also a chip and PIN card. On the Azure card, we charge the fees assessed by Visa. I8217m going to Indonesia this summer and I need a card that will work with someone with very little credit. I8217m young so I8217m trying to build my credit. Definitely Capital One. But I8217m not really an ATM type, so I always use my mobile app CoChange to locate the most suitable currency exchange offices nearby. I tried it in Jakarta and it worked really well with the card at the exchange office. Traveling to France, Spain, Italy, Croatia and Montenegro in October. I have 3 different chip cards, and no two look alike (chip sizes and contact layout are all slightly different). Which of these will actually work in Europe for in-person retail transactions Chase Sapphire Preferred Visa Signature Citi AAdvantage Platinum Select World Elite MasterCard USAA Visa Signature Thanks in advance for any advice Which is the best card to get if you are a student with no credit yet and are going abroad One good option would be the Journey card from Capital One since it has no foreign transaction fee and can net you 1.25 cash back. You can also use the reward calculator at CreditCardTuneUp. com to see which student reward cards will pay you more in reward value for your travel expenses and regular expenses. I think Discover is good good for you I am going to London in September, I don8217t have a credit card nor do I want one. I have a visa debit card through my bank which will charge me 1 per transaction. I8217m not sure if I should just stick with my visa debit card while abroad or exchange currency. Any advice would be much appreciated I8217m starting to stress on the issue. Hi Michelle. Feel free to email us at supportnerdwallet and we8217ll be happy to point you in the right direction. Alternatively, you can use our chat box during normal business hours and you can speak with someone from the NerdWallet team. I8217d recommend the excellent, Visa ATM (debit) card from the Charles Schwab Bank. Schwab charges no fee, and reimburses the cardholder for fees imposed by banks whose ATMs you use. Also, there8217s no foreign transaction fee added on. I prefer to use credit cards to debit cards for purchases, but the Schwab debit card can be used either way. Note that Schwab is a brokerage firm, but Schwab has a separately-chartered Charles Schwab Bank. Google Schwab for more info. Check out Capital One 360 master debit card. I use this as my travel bank account because there are no foreign transaction or foreign ATM fees. my son is on a church mission in El Salvador. He has a Chase college student account with a regular Visa debit card. Every time he makes a withdrawal he8217s hit with a 5 non-Chase ATM fee AND a 3.39 FTF. So 8.39 for EVERY use of his card he tried to take out one cash withdrawal per month but I hate him taking out large quantities at once because of all the violence and theft down there. Any better options Keep in mind he is already there in ES and cannot set something up himself. So if theirs a better option I would likely put it in my name and just send him the card. Hi CJ 8211 thanks for reaching out to us. Please email us at supportnerdwallet and we8217ll be able to point you in the right direction. Wells Fargo has a 8220By Invitation Only8221 Visa card with 3 cash back from travel charges (airfare, hotels, etc.), 2 cash back on restaurant meals, and 1 cash back on everything else. No foreign transaction fee with this Wells Fargo credit card. There8217s no annual fee, but you must be a substantial Wells Fargo customer to qualify. Citibank8217s Double Cash MasterCard is very good with 2 cash back on paid charges (1 earned when a purchase is made with the card, and another 1 as charges are paid off. So, if you pay your full balance every month, you8217ll have earned 2 after balance is paid. This is a good deal for people who pay off their credit card balances every month, Citibank DOES charge the rip-off 3 foreign transaction fee. As a long time U. S. Bank customer, I was shocked to learn recently that it will not send an email if there8217s question about a transaction or they block the card until clarification, but only make an automatic call to the holder8217s phone of record. Since I plan to pick up a new sim card in southern Africa and then France 8211 how unusual 8211 they told me that I should call home regularly to check. Quite a small-minded bank. It definitely ruled out carrying a U. S. Bank card or applying for their travel signature card. My Amex Gold and Citi Exec card do not have FTFs. Schwab Investor Checking is free and no FTF, plus the reimburse any ATM fees 8211 amazing for cash withdrawals. I have experience with Schwab and BOA 8211 like stated below BOA does charge a FTF, just waives ATM fee when you use certain banks in their network. Schwab has no FTF and reimburses ATM fees 8211 by far the best and easiest way to get cash abroad I have found. We have a ton of clients outside the U. S. who are looking to get started building credit and doing business within the states. It is imperative to read all that fine print and make sure you8217re getting the best terms for international utilization. There are ways to utilize regular credit cards for cash and business transactions within the U. S. (without all the fees) when it comes to building business credit, but it8217s still important to pay attention to these terms. Hi, my 25 year old son is a college student but has his own credit established. He is moving to Japan for 2 years of language school and it is a cash dominant environment. He will to to school in Tokyo and live in Tokyo or Saitama outside of Tokyo. He will live on a tight budget and most places he will do business with will be small local business owners that may not accept plastic. He needs an ATM debit card and/or a credit card that offers no ATM fees or foreign transaction fees. If the ATM Debit card also has the Visa/Mastercard credit option capability then that is better since he could just operate off the one card. He would be able to transfer all his student loan money out of his current bank account and just operate off that one card 8212 he doesn8217t necessarily need an open line of credit on a separate credit card, but it would be nice in the event of an emergency if he was sort on cash funds. Any suggestions, I understand banking in Japan is 8220big business8221 and they 8220transaction fee8221 a person into poverty if you don8217t know how to maneuver around it Thanks for any advice you can give. Citibank and HSBC both offers a zero foreign transaction fee checking account. But both charges a account service fee if you do not maintain a minimum account balance. Citibank Citigold: 30/month or 50,000 monthly account balance. HSBC Premier: 50/month or 100,000 monthly account balance. Any credit cards offering zero foreign transaction fees, most still charges a significant fee on cash withdrawals. So it maybe cheaper to pay for either banks monthly account fees instead. While your son is in Japan, the 7-11 Bank ATMs have no ATM fee and accept practically any debit/credit cards for cash withdrawals. Another option is to open a bank account in Japan after he gets his gaijin card, and just transfer his student loan money there in one lump sum(but make sure the account can accept foreign transfer). Banking in Japan has really changed in recent years as most now have little to no fees in order to stay competitive. Also due to Square8217s launch in Japan most places now, even hole in a wall mom and pop shops, now accept credit cards. Good luck to your son I8217m a college student with a part time job who imports a lot of stuff from Japan (anime figures, video games, etc) and is planning to go to Japan for a few weeks at the end of the year. I haven8217t ordered plane tickets yet. What would be a good credit card to get to use for plane tickets, for using around Japan, and to use to import stuff The credit card I have now charges foreign transaction fees every time I import something. Gracias. Hi there 8211 Thanks for reaching out to us. If you have at least good credit, you might want to consider the Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card 8211 as of 10/13/15, you can earn unlimited 1.5 cash back on every purchase, there8217s no annual fee, and no foreign transactions fees nerdwallet/card-details/card-name/Capital-One-Cash-Credit-Card Another card to consider is the BankAmericard Travel Rewards Credit Card 8211 as of 10/13/15 you can potentially earn unlimited 1.5 points per 1 spent on all purchases, with no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees and your points don8217t expire nerdwallet/card-details/card-name/BankAmericard-Travel-Rewards If you have specific questions about these cards, feel free to reach out to us at supportnerdwallet Here are a couple more zero foreign transaction fee credit cards worth adding to this list since they have attractive rebates or bonuses: Chase8217s IHG Rewards Club Select Credit Card and the Citizens Bank Cash Back Plus World MasterCard. I purchase Novelty products from China. I have to spend 45 for transaction fee everytime I have to send money to China. There8217s another bank 8220East West Bank8221 They charge 40 monthly and then the transaction fee will be 12. I was google to find better solution when I find this site. Can anyone please advise me what is a best solution for me. I transfer frequently throughout the year except February and March. These two months I transfer roughly around 1 to 2 times in 1 month. copy 2016 NerdWallet, Inc. All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: NerdWallet strives to keep its information accurate and up to date. This information may be different than what you see when you visit a financial institution, service provider or specific products site. All financial products, shopping products and services are presented without warranty. When evaluating offers, please review the financial institutions Terms and Conditions. Pre-qualified offers are not binding. If you find discrepancies with your credit score or information from your credit report, please contact TransUnion directly. Additionally, this site may be compensated through third party advertisers. However, the results of our comparison tools, blog content and editorial reviews are based on objective analysis. For more information, please see our Advertiser Disclosure .

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